Wycliffe Independent Church comprises members from many nationalities and has been meeting in Sheffield for over 100 years.

We believe that the Bible’s message of peace with God through Jesus Christ is the best news in the world and is for all people of all ages. As a church we reach out with this good news and encourage one another to live out the faith in every area of our lives.

Who We Are

We are a community of repentant sinners saved by God’s grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, committed to seeing others saved and God’s people strengthened and serving to the glory of God.

What We Do

  • We preach and witness to the good news of Jesus in many different ways so that others might be saved.
  • We preach and teach The Bible so that disciples might be strengthened in their relationship with the Lord and likeness to Jesus.
  • We gather together to serve God in worship so that we might glorify him, be strengthened by him and encourage one another.
  • We seek God together in prayer so that he might be worshipped and the blessing of the Holy Spirit might be upon all we do.
  • We encourage Christians to serve the Lord and other Christians by using their gifts, time and energy so that the church might be strengthened in numbers, maturity and love.
  • We encourage Christians to love God and their neighbours in everyday life so that in all we do God will be honoured and others served and saved.
  • We send out and support Christians serving the Lord in other places so that the world-wide Church might be strengthened and people saved.
  • We serve those with various needs through practical help and support so that God’s love is demonstrated

Our History

Click here for a timeline of key events in our church history dating back to 1908.